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Becoming Resilient

It takes courage to create and resilience to keep creating. This 16 week online course is for everyone who desires to lower their stress and live a creative life. It is sponsored by DailyOM. We will email you when your new lesson is available and you will be able to login and read each lesson on-line or print as they become available and listen to the guided visualizations. Your first lesson will be available immediately after you enroll.


Everyday you face challenging situations. Stress has a direct and harmful effect on your health, ability to cognitively function and your spirit. Stress may cost minutes, hours, or years of your life, and it makes living unpleasant. Wouldn't it be fantastic to drive through traffic jams and feel energized? How could you walk away enlightened and inspired the next time you have to wait for your turn in line? It doesn't matter whether you're facing a life threatening crisis or a simple annoyance. When you're engaged in negative situations, your brain releases chemicals that do harm to your body and can affect your mood for hours. The emotional drain from conflict and disappointment can leave you exhausted and impair your immune system.


Discover how you can bounce back from stress and transform everyday challenge into opportunity. With this blueprint you can learn to be more mindful, flexible and capable of mastering change. Practicing the skills in each lesson will help you become more adept at using your resilience, so you can take charge of the bumps in life and improve the quality of how you live. You'll learn you don't have to react to change; you can create the bounce-abilty to take charge. Imagine enjoying your own success and looking forward to life's challenges!

  • Find the confidence and courage to make the best choices.

  • Meet challenge with creativity.

  • Discover how you can gain more bounce-ability.

  • Learn how to prepare for stress.

  • Stop reacting to problems and start creating resilient strategies.

  • Discover your intuition and unleash your resilient spirit.

  • Build a more flexible foundation.

  • Know how to adapt to your circumstance

  • Make the most of any situation.

  • Reinforce your buoyancy and practice your rebound skills.

  • Feel your fear; learn from failure and play to enhance your elasticity.


​For more detailed information please feel free to email me direct at

Becoming Resilient

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